Our friends Suzanne and Pete visited this weekend. Arrow has known Suz her whole life and just met Pete for the first time. Arrow was showing off big time for them both, picking up her toys and flinging them around the living room yesterday. She really liked Pete a lot, so she made sure to sit at his feet when not doing her nudgy pat me thing with her nose. She hasn't really shown interest in her toys much, so we took this as a good sign.
This morning we took both dogs out in the woods for a longer walk with our friends, but weren't sure how long Arrow could go. She was pretty frisky yesterday so we thought she might be a little sore today. But the little girl showed us exactly how she was feeling. She ran off trail to chase chippy munks, went up and down the steep hills, picked up sticks, and barked in her playful way that says "c'mon, pick it up guys, stop moping. You are all walking like peas." Those of you who have known us for a while know that expression well. A Glo-ism. She rolled in the newly mowed lawn and tried to drink from the drunk cow stream in our back yard (Years back some neighbors had to dispose of their moonshine quickly so they dumped it into the brook, where allegedly it flowed into the cow field across the street and all the cows got trashed. So we call it drunk cow stream.) Today was really the first day that she seemed totally like her true self.
Perhaps getting into some mischief has been good for her. It always has been good for me!!She ripped her tshirt off last night while we were at dinner, has taken off her swimmie a few times and has been getting feisty over all. I think she is telling us she is done with this sick role behavior, and ready to have some fun. We took Buttons for a long hike to Mt. Skinner this afternoon, and leaving Arrow behind was so sad. But in a few weeks, she will be a hiking fool again. We can't wait.
You can see for yourself with these pictures just how much fun she was having!
I am sooo happy to hear that boney is feeling like her old self again....Have a great week!!!!
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Wow - don't know what that says! But Maria - Thanks for wishing Boney good thoughts. By the time we get to Bing, she should be in great shape!
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